A removable palatal crib is fairly easy to install. It does not require a long surgical procedure; therefore, your child should be in and out of the dentist office within an hour. Once the device is installed, your child may not notice any pain or discomfort. However, once some time has passed, your child's teeth may begin to feel sore and painful. This is because of the wiring that is wrapped around your molars and other teeth. Once the first few days have passed, your child's teeth will become more accustomed to the device. However, for a young child that can seem like ages. Fortunately, there are a few tips that you can use to help ease soreness immediately after your child gets their removable palatal crib installed.
Apply Ice to Your Child's Molars
Your child's molars are most likely the area that feels sore. The quickest way to help alleviate some of this pain is with the help of a cold compress. This can be created from home by taking a handful of ice blocks and wrapping them individually in a clean cloth. Apply one wrapped ice block to each molar and instruct your child to gently bite down on it. Allow them to hold the ice block against their molar for a few minutes. The cold temperature will help to ease the blood flow to this area. In turn, this will help to alleviate your child's pain. You can reapply the ice block throughout the day whenever your child begins to feel any kind of discomfort.
Create an Allspice Rinse for Your Child
Allspice is typically a great addition to holiday baked goods and hot beverages. However, the herb can also be a great remedy for soothing pain relief, specifically dental pain. Allspice is a wonderful natural remedy because of its analgesic properties. You can cleanse your child's mouth with an allspice rinse that will also help to calm the soreness. An allspice rinse can be created in your kitchen by adding a spoonful of allspice to a cup of water. Wait for the mixture to sit for a few minutes, then strain the herb. Add a few drops of lemon juice and instruct your child to move the rinse through their mouth. Make sure that they hold the rinse in their mouth for at least a few minutes before they decide to spit. This will ensure that the properties of the herb soak into their mouth
Soreness caused by a dental appliance can be difficult for a child to deal with. Therefore, use these tips to help make the process easier for them. Consult with a dentist in your area, like Sarah M. LYNCH DMD.