Pregnancy just seems to inspire mothers to make healthier choices; after all, you must consider your unborn baby too. Eating right, rest, vitamins, doctor's visits, and more will ensure that you get your pregnancy headed in the right direction. One commonly overlooked area of concern, however, is dental care. Being pregnant is no time to ignore your dental health. There is never a bad time to ensure that your dental health is taken care of, but pregnancy can place a bigger burden on your teeth can you might realize. Read on to learn more about keeping your teeth healthy while pregnant.

It's hormonal.

The same beneficial hormones that get your body ready to take care of your unborn baby can also affect your teeth. Progesterone, which rises with pregnancy, can make your gums inflamed and lead to gingivitis. If you notice a little blood when you brush and floss, you may be already suffering from this dental disorder.

If allowed to progress, gingivitis can quickly lead to a more serious problem: periodontal disease. This dental disorder is especially problematic for pregnant women, since you can be at a higher risk for giving birth to a low weight baby. It seems that this periodontal disease (periodontitis) may allow an increase in important pregnancy hormones called prostaglandins. These hormones are key players in precipitating labor by stimulating contractions in the uterus, which could cause you to go into labor too soon and give birth to a low weight baby. Your dentist may need to do a more extensive cleaning process, such as a scaling, to prevent this disease.

A temporary sickness.

Morning sickness is not just unpleasant, it can be very damaging to your teeth. If you have experienced extensive vomiting, your tooth enamel may be damaged. Signs of enamel damage include sensitivity to cold or hot liquids. If you had morning sickness that seemed to never end, have your dentist carefully examine your teeth for tiny cracks and weakened enamel. You may need to stay away from hard foods for a while, and your teeth should return to normal over time.

Postpone some procedures.

Any procedure that requires general anesthesia, such as root canal surgery or a wisdom tooth removal, should be left for later. Be careful with prescriptions as well, especially the antibiotic tetracycline, which can actually cross the uterine barrier and damage your unborn baby's teeth. You should be able to have dental x-rays done, but put them off if possible. For more information, talk to a dentist at a clinic like Advanced Dentistry of St. Charles.
