No one likes to find something wrong with their teeth or the rest of their mouth. Luckily, some of the more common abnormalities that can appear in your mouth really aren't problems that you have to worry about. For the most part, these are issues that are ugly-looking but not really dangerous.
Aphthous Ulcers
Aphthous ulcers are a type of canker sore, so these can be annoying if not downright painful. But they are temporary and are not caused by any disease. These appear on the soft tissue in the mouth, such as the inside of your lip. They should go away on their own, though you should try not to mess with them. There may be a genetic component to these -- some people are just more prone to them -- and stress can bring them about as well. If the sore sticks around for more than a couple of weeks or so, or if the sore appears on tissue that's on harder structures, like your gums (which sit on bone), then you should see your dentist. But if all you have is one on the inside of your lip, the waiting game is best.
Mucoceles are small swellings in the soft tissue that occur over a salivary gland. These are little cysts that form when the gland is blocked, usually because you've been biting on that part of your cheek or lip. Most mucoceles are painless, though the swelling can be a bit annoying because it might catch on your teeth more. Very big mucoceles can be removed, though there is the risk that they'll return. If all you have is a small lump that isn't painful, wait and see if it goes away; if it doesn't, double-check with your dentist to be sure it's just a mucocele, and if it is and it's not really causing a problem, you may just want to let it be.
Craze Lines
Craze lines occur on your teeth when the enamel sustains a partial crack. Before you cringe, though, take heart; the line is partial in that it doesn't go all the way through the enamel, so your tooth is still basically fine. Craze lines are painless; if you have pain, that indicates something else is wrong. There may be cosmetic procedures you can do to reduce the appearance of or hide the line.
If any of these bother you anyway, your dentist can help you devise strategies to get rid of them, from procedures like adding a veneer to hide a craze line or suggesting a topical anesthetic cream to help with aphthous ulcer pain.