If your dentist has recommended dental extractions to remove your diseased or damaged tooth, you might become anxious. You'll probably be wondering how the overall experience will be or how you'll manage afterward. 

The truth is that this procedure is relatively simple and relatively painless, so you don't need to be stressed. All you have to do is prepare adequately and adhere to the aftercare instructions your dentist will provide. Below are fundamental tips to help you prepare.

Undergo a Comprehensive Medical Assessment

Getting a medical assessment before dental extractions is vital. Your physician will check your medical condition and provide proper treatment to prevent complications during or after the procedure. Some of the health problems they check include bleeding disorders, heart problems, and high blood pressure. 

Disclose Your Medical History

Before you show up for dental extractions, you should share your medical history with the dentist. The information you provide will assist them in determining any potential conditions or obstacles that could affect your health during or after the procedure. This way, they will protect your health and reduce complications. 

For instance, you should share information related to congenital heart defects, liver disease, bacterial endocarditis, artificial joint replacement, or impaired immune system. Conditions like these increase the risk of getting infections after tooth extractions. 

Don't forget to share the details of your medications with the dentist to prevent undesirable drug interactions. If your dentist notices that you're taking blood thinners, they may recommend that you stop taking the medication for some time to prevent the risk of bleeding excessively. Blood thinners are also known for prolonging the healing process, so it's better to discontinue if you can.

Adhere to the Preparation Instructions

Once your dentist confirms that you're a suitable candidate for dental extractions, they will provide specific pre-operation instructions to reduce the possibility of complications. You may be asked to refrain from eating or drinking water for some hours before your tooth is extracted if conscious sedation or anesthesia will be used. 

Your dentist will prohibit smoking for several weeks because it affects the effectiveness of anesthesia and increases the risk of complications. All pre-operation instructions will ensure the process runs smoothly and you heal fast, so follow them accordingly. 

Consult with the Insurance Provider

If you have a healthcare insurance plan, consult with the insurance company to determine if they will pay for the procedure. You don't want to deal with unexpected bills or file insurance claims when you're recovering. A good rule of thumb is to request a written description from your dentist and present it to the insurance provider to verify if they will cover the treatment.

Reach out to a dentist for more information about dental extractions
